863 Quotations with Paul.
- 261. Paul Reubens: I know you are, but what am I? [As Pee-Wee Herman]
![I know you are, but what am I? [As Pee-Wee Herman]. Paul Reubens.](/img/view.gif)
- 262. Paul McCartney: I love to hear a choir. I love the humanity to see the faces of real people devo ...

- 263. Paul Tillich: I loved thee beautiful and kind, And plighted an eternal vow; So altered are thy ...

- 264. Paul Little: I was frustrated out of my mind, trying to figure out the will of God. I was doi ...

- 265. Jean Paul Richter: Idleness is many gathered miseries in one name.

- 266. John Paul Jones: If fear is cultivated it will become stronger. If faith is cultivated it will ac ...

- 267. Jean-Paul Sartre: If literature isn't everything, it's not worth a single hour of someone's troubl ...

- 268. Paul Robeson: If Negro freedom is taken away, or that of any minority group, the freedom of al ...

- 269. Paul Keating: If one takes pride in one's craft, you won't let a good thing die. Risking it th ...

- 270. Paul Valery: If some great catastrophe is not announced every morning, we feel a certain void ...

- 271. Paul S. Rees: If we are willing to spend hours on end to learn to play the piano, operate a co ...

- 272. Jean-Paul Sartre: If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in bad company.

- 273. Paula A. Bendry: If you do not find peace in yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.

- 274. Paul Volcker: If you don't have some bad loans you are not in business.

- 275. J. Paul Getty: If you get up early, work late, and pay your taxes, you will get ahead if you st ...

- 276. Pope Paul VI: If you wish to be brothers, let the arms fall from your hands. One cannot love w ...

- 277. Paule Marshall: I'll have to, as you say, take a stand, do something toward shaking up that syst ...

- 278. V. S. Naipaul: I'm the kind of writer that people think other people are reading.

- 279. Paul McCartney: Imagination grows by exercise, and contrary to common belief, is more powerful i ...

- 280. Paul Simon: Improvisation is too good to leave to chance.

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