Famous Quotes
963 Quotations with Past.
- 561. Francois de Salignac Fenelon: The past but lives in written words: a thousand ages were blank if books had not ...
- 562. Mary Pickford: The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.
- 563. Charles E. Hummel: The past cannot be regained, although we can learn from it; the future is not ye ...
- 564. Anthony Robbins: The past does not equal the future.
- 565. John Berger: The past grows gradually around one, like a placenta for dying.
- 566. Robertson W. Neicoll: The past in retrospect holds manifold disenchantments, failures and even tragedi ...
- 567. Carl Sandburg: The past is a bucket of ashes, so live not in your yesterdays, nor just for tomo ...
- 568. Leslie P. Hartley: The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.
- 569. Sir Edmund Gosse: The past is a funeral gone by.
- 570. Max Beerbohm: The past is a work of art, free of irrelevancies and loose ends.
- 571. Thomas Carlyle: The past is all holy to us; the dead are all holy; even they that were wicked wh ...
- 572. Bruce Lee: The past is an illusion. You must learn to live in the present and accept yourse ...
- 573. Daniel Webster: The past is at least secure.
- 574. H.G. Wells: The past is but the beginning of a beginning, and all that is and has been is bu ...
- 575. Rebecca Beard: The past is finished. There is nothing to be gained by going over it. Whatever i ...
- 576. Tommaso Marinetti: The past is necessarily inferior to the future. That is how we wish it to be. Ho ...
- 577. Gordon Wright: The past is never completely lost, however extensive the devastation. Your sorro ...
- 578. William Faulkner: The past is never dead -- it is not even past.
- 579. Oscar Wilde: The past is of no importance. The present is of no importance. It is with the fu ...
- 580. Mary Webb: The past is only the present become invisible and mute; and because it is invisi ...