194 Quotations with Occur.
- 141. Unknownymous: Corruption and dishonesty seem to occur when the leader loses sight of the fact ...

- 142. Raymond J. Wlodkowski: I am convinced that one of the logical reasons why ineffective and unmotivated l ...

- 143. Plato: Learning occurs in the mind, independent of time and place.

- 144. Dr. Richard Farson: It's what you ARE that your people learn, not what you do deliberately. What par ...

- 145. Daniel Akaka: A more effective international disease surveillance system is essential for glob ...

- 146. Thomas Addison: The leading and characteristic features of the morbid state to which I would dir ...

- 147. Bernard Baruch: A speculator is a man who observes the future, and acts before it occurs.

- 148. John Bolton: Many Republicans in Congress - and perhaps a majority - not only do not care abo ...

- 149. Erma Bombeck: I'm trying very hard to understand this generation. They have adjusted the timet ...

- 150. George Boole: Probability is expectation founded upon partial knowledge. A perfect acquaintanc ...

- 151. Robert Byrd: Some events define and shape history with the force of plate tectonics, moving t ...

- 152. Edgar Rice Burroghs: It never seems to occur to some people, that, like beauty, a sense of humor may ...

- 153. Peter Carey: It did not occur to me that I might be a writer until I flunked out of my first ...

- 154. Marcus Tullius Cicero: To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child ...

- 155. Richard J. Codey: Postpartum depression is a very real and very serious problem for many mothers. ...

- 156. Lloyd Allen Cook: To learn, a person must want to change, to be better, to do differently, and thi ...

- 157. Eugene V. Debs: When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a ru ...

- 158. Denzil Douglas: In the face of a rapidly changing world, the people of our beloved country have ...

- 159. Barry Gibb: I have had an operation on my back and apparently arthritis occurs with a lot of ...

- 160. Herbie Hancock: When I did Future 2 Future, it occurred to me, that I hadn't really done anythin ...

Occur Quotes by Power Quotations