113 Quotations with Noise.
- 61. John Milton: Sweet bird, that shun the noise of folly, most musical, most melancholy!

- 62. Napoleon Bonaparte: Ten persons who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent.

- 63. J. G. Ballard: The car as we know it is on the way out. To a large extent, I deplore its passin ...

- 64. Sir Thomas Beecham: The English may not like music, but they absolutely love the noise it makes.

- 65. Anthony Sampson: The lounge of the main hotel is full of jollity, with large comfortable men sitt ...

- 66. Cyril Connolly: The only happy talkers are dandies who extract pleasure from the very perishabil ...

- 67. Henry Giles: The silent influence of books is a mighty power in the world; and there is a joy ...

- 68. Mary McCarthy: The strongest argument for the un-materialistic character of American life is th ...

- 69. Brother Lawrence: The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the ...

- 70. George Eliot: There are various orders of beauty, causing men to make fools of themselves in v ...

- 71. Mervyn Peake: There is a kind of laughter that sickens the soul. Laughter when it is out of co ...

- 72. George Eliot: There is much pain that is quite noiseless; and vibrations that make human agoni ...

- 73. George Steiner: There is something terribly wrong with a culture inebriated by noise and gregari ...

- 74. Charles Caleb Colton: They that are loudest in their threats are the weakest in the execution of them. ...

- 75. John Selden: They that govern the most make the least noise.

- 76. Edward F. Halifax: True merit is like a river, the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.

- 77. W. Secker: Usually the greatest boasters are the smallest workers. The deep rivers pay a la ...

- 78. Edmund Burke: We must not always judge of the generality of the opinion by the noise of the ac ...

- 79. Mother Teresa: We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is th ...

- 80. James Joyce: What did that mean, to kiss? You put your face up like that to say goodnight and ...

Noise Quotes by Power Quotations