466 Quotations with Neither.
- 181. Niccolo Machiavelli: I consider it a mark of great prudence in a man to abstain from threats or any c ...

- 182. Pierre Corneille: I have deserved neither so much honor nor so much disgrace.

- 183. Giuseppe Garibaldi: I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced ...

- 184. Madame Marie Curie: I was taught that the way of progress I neither swift nor easy.

- 185. John Keats: I will give you a definition of a proud man: he is a man who has neither vanity ...

- 186. Nathaniel Hawthorne: I wonder that we Americans love our country at all, it having no limits and no o ...

- 187. Samuel Butler: If life must not be taken too seriously -- then so neither must death.

- 188. Dorothy Solle: If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give no ...

- 189. Charles Baudelaire: If photography is allowed to stand in for art in some of its functions it will s ...

- 190. Robert Graves: If there's no money in poetry, neither is there poetry in money.

- 191. George Bernard Shaw: If you strike a child, take care that you strike it in anger, even at the risk o ...

- 192. Margaret Sherwood: In great moments life seems neither right nor wrong, but something greater: it s ...

- 193. Robert Green Ingersoll: In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are only consequences ...

- 194. John J. Ingalls: In the democracy of the dead all men at last are equal. There is neither rank no ...

- 195. Jessamyn West: In their sympathies, children feel nearer animals than adults. They frolic with ...

- 196. Madeleine Kunin: Inaction, contrary to its reputation for being a refuge, is neither safe nor com ...

- 197. Georges Bataille: Intellectual despair results in neither weakness nor dreams, but in violence. It ...

- 198. Immanuel Kant: Intuition and concepts constitute... the elements of all our knowledge, so that ...

- 199. Sarah Orne Jewett: It does seem so pleasant to talk with an old acquaintance who knows what you kno ...

- 200. Aristotle: It is better to rise from life as from a banquet -- neither thirsty nor drunken.

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