898 Quotations with Move.
- 461. Alphonse De Lamartine: The people only understand what they can feel; the only orators that can affect ...

- 462. General Erwin Rommel: The peril of the hour moved the British to tremendous exertions, just as always ...

- 463. Jean De La Bruyere: The pleasure we feel in criticizing robs us from being moved by very beautiful t ...

- 464. Steven Biko: The power of a movement lies in the fact that it can indeed change the habits of ...

- 465. Walter Benjamin: The power of a text is different when it is read from when it is copied out. Onl ...

- 466. Ursula K. Le Guin: The preservation of life seems to be rather a slogan than a genuine goal of the ...

- 467. Walter Lippmann: The press is no substitute for institutions. It is like the beam of a searchligh ...

- 468. Noam Chomsky: The principle that human nature, in its psychological aspects, is nothing more t ...

- 469. Anthony Storr: The professional must learn to be moved and touched emotionally, yet at the same ...

- 470. Juliene Berk: The real trick is to make the moves in your head first, as a way of testing them ...

- 471. Giuseppe Mazzini: The republic, as I at least understand it, means association, of which liberty i ...

- 472. Phil Woosnam: The rules of soccer are very simple. Basically it's this: If it moves, kick it; ...

- 473. Maya Angelou: The sadness of the women's movement is that they don't allow the necessity of lo ...

- 474. Joseph Conrad: The scrupulous and the just, the noble, humane, and devoted natures; the unselfi ...

- 475. Arthur Rubenstein: The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony w ...

- 476. Count Leo Tolstoy: The sobs and tears of joy he had not foreseen rose with such force within him th ...

- 477. Margaret Mead: The suffering of either sex -- of the male who is unable, because of the way in ...

- 478. Mencius: The tendency of human nature to good is like the tendency of water to flow downw ...

- 479. Thurman W. Arnold: The term up has no meaning apart from the word down. The term fast has no meanin ...

- 480. George Santayana: The theatre, for all its artifices, depicts life in a sense more truly than hist ...

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