898 Quotations with Move.
- 281. The Holy Bible: I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove ...

- 282. Joseph Conrad: I would not unduly praise the virtue of restraint. It is often merely temperamen ...

- 283. Carolyn Heilbrun: Ideas move fast when their time comes.

- 284. Doris Lessing: If a fish is the movement of water embodied, given shape, then cat is a diagram ...

- 285. Socrates: If a man would move the world, he must first move himself.

- 286. Maria Montessori: If an educational act is to be efficacious, it will be only that one which tends ...

- 287. Christian Slater: If I make a move, like raise my eyebrows, some critic says I'm doing Nicholson. ...

- 288. Alexander Herzen: If nations always moved from one set of furnished rooms to another -- and always ...

- 289. Author Unknown: If the table moves, move with it.

- 290. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach: If there be a faith that can move mountains, it is faith in one's own power.

- 291. Henry Miller: If you are well off and can afford to spend ten or twenty-five dollars a day to ...

- 292. Author Unknown: If you find yourself further from God than you were yesterday, you can be sure w ...

- 293. Sir Walter Scott: If you have no friends to share or rejoice in your success in life -- if you can ...

- 294. Peggy Noonan: If you join government, calmly make your contribution and move on. Don't go alon ...

- 295. Antonio Gramsci: If you think about it seriously, all the questions about the soul and the immort ...

- 296. Frank Rooney: Immortality is the genius to move others long after you yourself have stopped mo ...

- 297. Jorgen Roed: In all people there are two sets of feelings: One is fear, the other is love. If ...

- 298. W. H. Auden: In a land which is fully settled, most men must accept their local environment o ...

- 299. Samuel Johnson: In all evils which admits a remedy, impatience should be avoided, because it was ...

- 300. Karl Marx: In every revolution there intrude, at the side of its true agents, men of a diff ...

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