898 Quotations with Move.
- 221. Honore De Balzac: Emulation admires and strives to imitate great actions; envy is only moved to ma ...

- 222. Hosea Ballou: Energy, even like the Biblical grain of mustard-seed, will move mountains.

- 223. Arthur James Balfour: Enthusiasm moves the world.

- 224. James F. Cooper: Equality, in a social sense, may be divided into that of condition and that of r ...

- 225. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley: Even where the affections are not strongly moved by any superior excellence, the ...

- 226. Emily Blackwell: Every advance in social progress removes us more and more from the guidance of i ...

- 227. Eric Allenbaugh: Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your c ...

- 228. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is due to the tri ...

- 229. Robert H. Schuller: Every human being is born without faith. Faith comes only through the process of ...

- 230. Ronald Reagan: Every new day begins with possibilities. It's up to us to fill it with the thing ...

- 231. Leonardo da Vinci: Every once and a while, go away and take a relaxing break, and then when you com ...

- 232. Thomas J. Watson: Every time we've moved ahead in IBM, it was because someone was willing to take ...

- 233. Mark Twain: Evolution is the law of policies: Darwin said it, Socrates endorsed it, Cuvier p ...

- 234. Henry Miller: Example moves the world more than doctrine. The great exemplars are the poets of ...

- 235. Edward M. Forster: Failure or success seem to have been allotted to men by their stars. But they re ...

- 236. Mason Cooley: Faith moves mountains, but you have to keep pushing while you are praying.

- 237. Robert Louis Stevenson: For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. ...

- 238. The Holy Bible: For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou ...

- 239. George Eliot: For what we call illusions are often, in truth, a wider vision of past and prese ...

- 240. Kabbalah: Force never moves in a straight line, but always in a curve vast as the universe ...

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