898 Quotations with Move.
- 181. William S. Burroughs: America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is pre ...

- 182. EE Cummings: America makes prodigious mistakes, America has colossal faults, but one thing ca ...

- 183. Arthur F. Corey: An idea is the only level which moves the world.

- 184. Clara Barton: An institution or reform movement that is not selfish, must originate in the rec ...

- 185. Miguel de Cervantes: And for the citation of so many authors, 'tis the easiest thing in nature. Find ...

- 186. Sri Swami Sivananda: Anger is a great force. If you control it, it can be transmuted into a power whi ...

- 187. Sun Tzu: Appear at points where the enemy must move quickly to defend; move quickly to pl ...

- 188. Roger Bacon: Argument is conclusive... but... it does not remove doubt, so that the mind may ...

- 189. David Hockney: Art has to move you and design does not, unless it's a good design for a bus.

- 190. Marcus T. Cicero: As fire when thrown into water is cooled down and put out, so also a false accus ...

- 191. Francesco Guicciardini: As it is our nature to be more moved by hope than fear, the example of one we se ...

- 192. Ralph Waldo Emerson: As there is a use in medicine for poisons, so the world cannot move without rogu ...

- 193. Albert Einstein: At the same time, as social beings, we are moved in the relations with our fello ...

- 194. Leroy Satchel Paige: Avoid fresh meats, which angry up the blood. If your stomach disputes you, lie d ...

- 195. Author Unknown: Before water generates steam, it must register 212 of heat; 200 will not do it. ...

- 196. Winston Churchill: Before you can inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself. Befor ...

- 197. Les Brown: Begin to read a book that will help you move toward your dream.

- 198. Gilbert K. Chesterton: Being "contented" ought to mean in English, as it does in French, being pleased. ...

- 199. Thomas Crum: Being willing to change allows you to move from a point of view to a viewing poi ...

- 200. Henry O. Porter: Bohemia is nothing more than the little country in which you do not live. If you ...

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