320 Quotations with Mistakes.
- 201. Steve Jobs: Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly ...

- 202. Donald Rumsfeld: Success tends to go not to the person who is error-free, because he also tends t ...

- 203. Charles J. Givens: Success with money, family, relationships, health, and careers is the ability to ...

- 204. Conrad Hilton: Success... seems to be connected with action. Successful men keep moving. They m ...

- 205. Peter F. Drucker: The better a man is the more mistakes he will make for the more things he will t ...

- 206. John Adair: The chief executive who knows his strengths and weaknesses as a leader is likely ...

- 207. John Adair: The chief executive who knows his strengths and weaknesses as a leader is likely ...

- 208. Georg C. Lichtenberg: The greatest events occur without intention playing any part in them; chance mak ...

- 209. Napoleon Bonaparte: The greatest general is he who makes the fewest mistakes.

- 210. Fred Astaire: The higher up you go, the more mistakes you're allowed. Right at the top, if you ...

- 211. Theodore Roosevelt: The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything

- 212. Conte di Cavour, Camillo Benso: The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes that he who distrusts them.

- 213. Conte di Cavour, Camillo Benso: The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes that he who distrusts them.

- 214. Charles Caleb Colton: The mistakes of the fool are known to the world, but not to himself. The mistake ...

- 215. Oscar Wilde: The only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.

- 216. Anne O'Hare McCormick: The percentage of mistakes in quick decisions is no greater than in long-drawn-o ...

- 217. Carl Jung: The psychotherapist learns little or nothing from his successes. They mainly con ...

- 218. Kimon Nicolaides: The sooner you make your first five thousand mistakes the sooner you will be abl ...

- 219. Dale Carnegie: The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different wa ...

- 220. Philip Knight: The trouble in America is not that we are making too many mistakes, but that we ...

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