1017 Quotations with Lone.
- 121. Eric Hoffer: People unfit for freedom - who cannot do much with it - are hungry for power. Th ...

- 122. Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: It's less important to have unanimity than it is to be making the right decision ...

- 123. Niccolo Machiavelli: It is a base thing to look to others for your defense instead of depending upon ...

- 124. Ursula LeGuin: We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand out in th ...

- 125. Arthur O'Shaughnessy: We are the music makers,

- 126. David B. Haight: Love is this divine ingredient. It alone describes what can be our perfect relat ...

- 127. Albert Pike: What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others ...

- 128. George Washington Carver: I hold before you my hand with each finger standing erect and alone, and as long ...

- 129. Dwight D. Eisenhower: Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in ...

- 130. Oprah Winfrey: With every experience, you alone are painting your own canvas, thought by though ...

- 131. Immanuel Kant: Criticism alone can sever the root of materialism, fatalism, atheism, free-think ...

- 132. Prophet Mohammed: It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is, better still ...

- 133. Pierre Teilhard DeChardin: Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and ...

- 134. Janet Fitch: Loneliness is the human condition. No one is ever going to fill that space. The ...

- 135. Colonel Morgan: Actuated by the most glorious cause that mankind ever fought in, I am determined ...

- 136. Marcus Tullius Cicero: For no phase of life, whether public or private, whether in business or in the h ...

- 137. Horace: Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.

- 138. Edward Abbey: May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most am ...

- 139. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Noble be man,

- 140. Margaret Cho: People drain me, even the closest of friends, and I find loneliness to be the be ...

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