1017 Quotations with Lone.
- 441. Albert Einstein: It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely.

- 442. Wallace Stevens: It is the unknown that excites the ardor of scholars, who, in the known alone, w ...

- 443. Oliver Wendell Holmes: It is very lonely sometimes, trying to play God.

- 444. George Eliot: It is, I fear, but a vain show of fulfilling the heathen precept, "Know thyself, ...

- 445. Marion Woodman: It takes great courage to break with one's past history and stand alone.

- 446. Katherine Mansfield: It's a terrible thing to be alone -- yes it is -- it is -- but don't lower your ...

- 447. Michel Eyquem De Montaigne: It's better to be alone than in foolish and troublesome company. I lay no great ...

- 448. Jean De La Bruyere: It's motive alone which gives character to the actions of men.

- 449. Sylvester Stallone: I've been involved in something which was chaotic and insane. All I can say now ...

- 450. Keith Gann: I've discovered I'm a strong and capable person. I can handle almost anything ex ...

- 451. Elizabeth Bowen: Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies.

- 452. Sigmund Freud: Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, ...

- 453. Claude Levi-Strauss: Just as the individual is not alone in the group, nor any one in society alone a ...

- 454. Arabella Smith: Keep not your roses for my dead, cold brow. The way is lonely, let me feel them ...

- 455. Quentin Crisp: Keeping up with the Joneses was a full-time job with my mother and father. It wa ...

- 456. Alexander Pope: Know then this truth, enough for man to know virtue alone is happiness below.

- 457. Paul Tillich: Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone, and ...

- 458. Jean Baudrillard: Laughter on American television has taken the place of the chorus in Greek trage ...

- 459. Ferdinand E. Marcos: Leadership is the other side of the coin of loneliness, and he who is a leader m ...

- 460. Henry Suso: Let each look to himself and see what God wants of him and attend to this, leavi ...

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