1236 Quotations with Living.
- 881. Fred Allen: We are living in the machine age. For the first time in history the comedian has ...

- 882. Aaron Allston: A scream queen is an actress who eeks out a living.

- 883. Isaac Asimov: Dalton's records, carefully preserved for a century, were destroyed during the W ...

- 884. Isaac Asimov: John Dalton's records, carefully preserved for a century, were destroyed during ...

- 885. Saint Augustine: Passion is the evil in adultery. If a man has no opportunity of living with anot ...

- 886. David Abrahansen: The American dream is, in part, responsible for a great deal of crime and violen ...

- 887. Louis Adamic: My grandfather always said that living is like licking honey off a thorn.

- 888. Karen Allen: I loved living and breathing theatre so much that I decided I had to find a way ...

- 889. Dean Allen: An adult male living alone stops being a vaguely tragicomic bachelor once he is ...

- 890. Trey Anastasio: If I had a ghost living on my street. I would try to stay alive, and offer him s ...

- 891. Hans Christian Anderson: Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flowe ...

- 892. Judith Anderson: All of my work is based on nature. I grew up in a rural environment and living i ...

- 893. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson: My mother speaks of my step being a source of life-long pain to her, that it is ...

- 894. Rick Baker: I do what I did as a hobby as a kid, you know, and make a living at it. And I ju ...

- 895. William Baldwin: A community is a group of people who have come together, and they work and they ...

- 896. Antonio Banderas: I mean, the Constitution of this country was written 200 years ago. The house I ...

- 897. Bob Barker: I'll tell you one thing, in what I do for a living, there's no substitute for ex ...

- 898. Drew Barrymore: I've been a vegetarian for years and years. I'm not judgemental about others who ...

- 899. Jean Baudrillard: We are no longer in a state of growth; we are in a state of excess. We are livin ...

- 900. Johnny Bench: I've seldom seen a horny player walk into a bar and not let out exactly what he ...

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