1236 Quotations with Living.
- 741. Erich Fromm: There is only one meaning of life, the act of living itself.

- 742. Douglas William Jerrold: There is peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destruc ...

- 743. Will Rogers: There isn't any finer folks living than a Republican that votes the Democratic t ...

- 744. Eric Hoffer: There would be no society if living together depended upon understanding each ot ...

- 745. Wayne Dyer: There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is o ...

- 746. Gore Vidal: Think of the earth as a living organism that is being attacked by billions of ba ...

- 747. Henry David Thoreau: This American government -- what is it but a tradition, though a recent one, end ...

- 748. Victoria Lincoln: This is the art of courage: to see things as they are and still believe that the ...

- 749. Andrew Carnegie: This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: First, to set an exampl ...

- 750. Aristotle: Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce the ...

- 751. Susan Sontag: Though collecting quotations could be considered as merely an ironic mimetism -- ...

- 752. William A. Ward: Three keys to more abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, shar ...

- 753. Peter Schultz: Three people were at work on a construction site. All were doing the same job, b ...

- 754. John Greenleaf Whittier: Through this broad street, restless ever, ebbs and flows a human tide, wave on w ...

- 755. Huang Po: Throughout this life, you can never be certain of living long enough to take ano ...

- 756. R. H. Blyth: Thus we see that the all important thing is not killing or giving life, drinking ...

- 757. William Hazlitt: To be remembered after we are dead, is but poor recompense for being treated wit ...

- 758. Anais Nin: To change skins, evolve into new cycles, I feel one has to learn to discard. If ...

- 759. Marsha Sinetar: To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it mean ...

- 760. Robert R. Updegraff: To get all there is out of living, we must employ our time wisely, never being i ...

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