1236 Quotations with Living.
- 581. Robert M. Young: People are always asking about the good old days. I say, why don't you say the g ...

- 582. Florence E. King: People are so busy dreaming the American Dream, fantasizing about what they coul ...

- 583. Hubert H. Humphrey: People in places many of us never heard of, whose names we can't pronounce or ev ...

- 584. Anais Nin: People living deeply have no fear of death.

- 585. Bob Dylan: People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties. They are stil ...

- 586. Andrew Matthews: People who do not love themselves can adore others, because adoration is making ...

- 587. Mark Twain: Pity is for living, envy is for dead.

- 588. Carl Sandburg: Poetry is the journal of a sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in the sky.

- 589. Luis Bunuel: Poor workers! First they're cuckolded, and, as if that weren't enough, then they ...

- 590. Jim Rohn: Practice is just as valuable as a sale. The sale will make you a living; the ski ...

- 591. Georges Lefevre: Prayer is an end to isolation. It is living our daily life with someone; with hi ...

- 592. Georges Lefevre: Prayer is an end to isolation. It is living our daily life with someone; with hi ...

- 593. Abraham J. Heschel: Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living.

- 594. The Holy Bible: Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God: . . . y ...

- 595. Wayne Dyer: Present-moment living, getting in touch with your "now," is at the heart of effe ...

- 596. Raoul Vaneigem: Production and consumption are the nipples of modern society. Thus suckled, huma ...

- 597. Raoul Vaneigem: Production and consumption are the nipples of modern society. Thus suckled, huma ...

- 598. Eric Butterworth: Prosperity is not just having things. It is the consciousness that attracts the ...

- 599. William Wordsworth: Rapine, avarice, expense, This is idolatry; and these we adore; Plain living and ...

- 600. Mortimer J. Adler: Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.

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