1236 Quotations with Living.
- 341. Zoe Akins: Forgetting is the cost of living cheerfully.

- 342. Jim Rohn: Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.

- 343. Allen Ginsberg: Fortunately art is a community effort -- a small but select community living in ...

- 344. Wayne Dyer: Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything l ...

- 345. Robert Frost: Friends make pretence of following to the grave but before one is in it, their m ...

- 346. Nicholson Baker: Friends, both the imaginary ones you build for yourself out of phrases taken fro ...

- 347. James Thurber: From one casual of mine he picked this sentence. "After dinner, the men moved in ...

- 348. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: Funeral pomp is more for the vanity of the living than for the honor of the dead ...

- 349. Douglas M. Lawson: Giving is the investment in living that pays the dividends we need: health and h ...

- 350. Douglas M. Lawson: Giving is the secret to living fully while you are still alive.

- 351. Johannes Tauler: God is infinite and without end, but the soul's desire is an abyss which cannot ...

- 352. Harold Pinter: Good writing excites me, and makes life worth living.

- 353. Author Unknown: Great living starts with a picture held in the imagination, of what you would li ...

- 354. Benjamin Disraeli: Had it not been for you, I should have remained what I was when we first met, a ...

- 355. Denis Waitley: Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is t ...

- 356. Author Unknown: Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeym ...

- 357. Thomas Szasz: Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to ...

- 358. Norman MacEwan: Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, ...

- 359. Haim Ginott: Happiness... is not a destination: it is a manner of traveling. Happiness is not ...

- 360. W. Clement Stone: Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thi ...

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