Famous Quotes
1236 Quotations with Living.
- 301. Pliny the Elder: Compassion and shame come over one who considers how precarious is the origin of ...
- 302. William Golding: Consider a man riding a bicycle. Whoever he is, we can say three things about hi ...
- 303. Author Unknown: Courage is an everyday thing. When we look reality squarely in the eye and refus ...
- 304. Douglas Malloch: Courage is to feel the daily daggers of relentless steel and keep on living.
- 305. Horace: Dare to begin! He who postpones living rightly is like the rustic who waits for ...
- 306. W. Somerset Maugham: Death doesn't affect the living because it has not happened yet. Death doesn't c ...
- 307. Jean Baudrillard: Deep down, no one really believes they have a right to live. But this death sent ...
- 308. Ann Landers: Do your giving while you're living, then you'll be knowing where it's going.
- 309. Author Unknown: Don't be just another member of society, be a living example of your dreams and ...
- 310. Joe Karbo: Don't be too busy earning a living to make any money.
- 311. Eben Eugene Rexford: Don't brood. Get on with living and loving. You don't have forever.
- 312. B.C. Forbes: Don't forget until too late that the business of life is not business, but livin ...
- 313. Mark Twain: Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. ...
- 314. Marlene Dietrich: Duties are what make life most worth living. Lacking them, you are not necessary ...
- 315. Ellen Gould White: Dying legacies are a miserable substitute for living benevolence.
- 316. May Sarton: Each day, and the living of it, has to be a conscious creation in which discipli ...
- 317. William A. Ward: Each of us will one day be judged by our standard of life -- not by our standard ...
- 318. Terry Bennett: Each of you who has been the recipient of somebody's generosity should try to re ...
- 319. Aristotle: Educated men are as much superior to uneducated men as the living are to the dea ...
- 320. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit: Education is not merely a means for earning a living or an instrument for the ac ...