1236 Quotations with Living.
- 201. Unknown: The easiest way to figure the cost of living is to take your income and add ten ...

- 202. Unknown: The scriptures teach us the best way of living, the noblest ways of suffering, a ...

- 203. Unknown: Wasting time is an important part of living.

- 204. Abraham Lincoln: In a large sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men ...

- 205. Anonymous: I bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween

- 206. Aristotle: One should know that living beings are moist and warm...however, old age is dry ...

- 207. Ayn Rand: Just as life is an end in itself, so every living human being is an end in himse ...

- 208. Bertrand Russell: Three passions have governed my life: The longings for love, the search for know ...

- 209. Daniel H. Burnham: Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themse ...

- 210. David Augsburger: Happiness is living by inner purpose

- 211. Democritus: Life unexamined, is not worth living

- 212. Desmond Morris: There are one hundred and ninety-three living species of monkeys and apes. One h ...

- 213. Douglas MacArthur: Youth is not entirely a time of life; it is a state of mind. Nobody grows old by ...

- 214. Henry Beston: For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete ...

- 215. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Consult the dead upon things that were, but the living only on things that are

- 216. James Truslow Adams: Perhaps it would be a good idea, fantastic as it sounds, to muffle every telepho ...

- 217. Kahlil Gibran: The wind speaks not more sweetly to the giant oaks than to the least of all blad ...

- 218. Lawrence Durrell: History is an endless repetition of the wrong way of living

- 219. Marcia Muller: She was the archetypal selfless mother: living only for her children, sheltering ...

- 220. Marie Beynon Ray: No one grows old by living - only by losing interest in living

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