575 Quotations with Limit.
- 441. Rick Baker: Very early in my career, I became disappointed with the limitations of make up. ...

- 442. Simone de Beauvoir: In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be ...

- 443. Annie Besant: Refusal to believe until proof is given is a rational position; denial of all ou ...

- 444. Jeff Bingaman: I am not opposed to the limited use of polygraphs in a case where a person is su ...

- 445. Rose E. Bird: It's always the minorities who aren't a part of the mainstream who define what t ...

- 446. Allen Boyd: As you may be aware, the No Child Left Behind Act was signed into law by the Pre ...

- 447. Jerry Brown: The world is still the world according to the New York Times business section. I ...

- 448. Earle Brown: It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to peo ...

- 449. Richard Chamberlain: I've learned, I think, to be able to distinguish between the necessary and the u ...

- 450. Marcus Tullius Cicero: The sinews of war, a limitless supply of money.

- 451. Emile M. Cioran: The more intense a spiritual leader's appetite for power, the more he is concern ...

- 452. Chuck Close: I tried to, with a series of self-imposed limitations, back myself into my own p ...

- 453. Chuck Close: I wasn't athletic, I couldn't catch a ball, I couldn't throw a ball, I had all k ...

- 454. Jean Cocteau: Commissions suit me. They set limits. Jean Marais dared me to write play in whic ...

- 455. Roger Corman: One of the worst things you can do is have a limited budget and try to do some b ...

- 456. Stanley Cohen: I was born in Brooklyn in 1922. Both my mother and father were Russian Jewish em ...

- 457. Willem Dafoe: The mask can be a limitation, but you just deal with it. You do get superhuman s ...

- 458. Benjamin Disraeli: Moderation has been called a virtue to limit the ambition of great men, and to c ...

- 459. Don Ellis: If one takes all the styles in jazz harmonically from the earliest beginnings to ...

- 460. Geoffrey Fisher: Some of the press who speak loudly about the freedom of the press are themselves ...

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