1304 Quotations with Last.
- 1241. William Butler Yeats: Now I know that twenty centuries of stony sleep were vexed to nightmare by a roc ...

- 1242. Dwight York: My girlfriend claims that her last boyfriend was a better kisser than me and I h ...

- 1243. Frank Zappa: I searched for years I found no love. I'm sure that love will never be a product ...

- 1244. David Borenstein: One cannot subdue a man by holding back his hands. Lasting peace comes not from ...

- 1245. Rob Cella: A relationship is like a rose,How long it lasts, no one knows;Love can erase an ...

- 1246. Raymond Chandler: 'Common sense is the guy that tells you that you ought to have your brakes relin ...

- 1247. William Kingdon Clifford: Inexorable facts connect our consciousness with this body that we know; and that ...

- 1248. William Jefferson Clinton: And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal free ...

- 1249. Cyril Connolly: The hunt for young authors who, while maintaining a prestige value (with a rôle ...

- 1250. Ralph Waldo Emerson: What is so great as friendship, let us carry with what grandeur of spirit we can ...

- 1251. Nora Ephron: I always read the last page of a book first so that if I die before I finish I'l ...

- 1252. Victor Frankl: We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the ...

- 1253. R.C. Gibbons: I long for the solitude

- 1254. Homer: At last is Hector stretch'd upon the plain,

- 1255. Edna St. Vincent Millay: My candle burns at both ends;

- 1256. Alexander Pope: Hither the heroes and nymphs resort,

- 1257. Ayn Rand: A chronic lack of pleasure, of any enjoyable, rewarding or stimulating experienc ...

- 1258. Laura Swenson: For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.

- 1259. Michael Walzer: According to other writers, it is the women who last longest in sieges, the youn ...

- 1260. William Shakespeare: In peace, there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness, and humility; bu ...

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