58 Quotations with Ladies.
- 1. Pythagoras: It is only necessary to make war with five things; with the maladies of the body ...

- 2. Ambrose Bierce: DIGESTION, n. The conversion of victuals into virtues. When the process is imper ...

- 3. Ambrose Bierce: KING'S EVIL, n. A malady that was formerly cured by the touch of the sovereign, ...

- 4. Ambrose Bierce: PROBOSCIS, n. The rudimentary organ of an elephant which serves him in place of ...

- 5. Ambrose Bierce: REGALIA, n. Distinguishing insignia, jewels and costume of such ancient and hono ...

- 6. Ambrose Bierce: TOPE, v. To tipple, booze, swill, soak, guzzle, lush, bib, or swig. In the indiv ...

- 7. William Faulkner: Henry James was one of the nicest old ladies I ever met.

- 8. John Steinbeck: For the world was changing, and sweetness was gone, and virtue too. Worry had cr ...

- 9. George W. Bush: Ladies and Gentlemen, we got him!

- 10. Louisa May Alcott: I don't believe fine young ladies enjoy themselves a bit more than we do, in spi ...

- 11. Richard Harris Barham: Ghosts, like ladies, never speak till spoke to.

- 12. F. Scott Fitzgerald: Any walk through a park that runs between a double line of mangy trees and passe ...

- 13. Fran Lebowitz: Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a ra ...

- 14. Daisy Ashford: I am partial to ladies if they are nice. I suppose it is my nature. I am not qui ...

- 15. Sydney Smith: I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies, but am otherwise very well.

- 16. William James: I know that you, ladies and gentlemen, have a philosophy, each and all of you, a ...

- 17. Queen Victoria: I positively think that ladies who are always enceinte quite disgusting; it is m ...

- 18. William Faulkner: If a writer has to rob his mother, he will not hesitate; the "Ode on a Grecian U ...

- 19. Joanne Woodward: I'm tired of playing worn-out depressing ladies in frayed bathrobes. I'm going t ...

- 20. George Bernard Shaw: Ladies and gentleman are permitted to have friends in the kennel, but not in the ...

Ladies Quotes by Power Quotations