4512 Quotations with John.
- 301. John Bracken on Captain Barney Kelly: He grounds the warship he walks on.

- 302. Adela Rogers St. Johns: God made man, and then said I can do better than that and made woman.

- 303. Samuel Johnson: Anybody who thinks of going to bed before 12 o'clock is a scoundrel.

- 304. John Ciardi: A dollar saved is a quarter earned.

- 305. John Berger: I knew I'd been living in Berkeley too long when I saw a sign that said 'Free fi ...

- 306. Ian Shoales: I know what love is: Tracy and Hepburn, Bogart and Bacall, Romeo and Juliet, Jac ...

- 307. Samuel Johnson: No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a ...

- 308. Samuel Johnson: You must have taken great pains, sir; you could not naturally been so very stupi ...

- 309. John Gay: The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spir ...

- 310. John F. Kennedy: When I became President, what surprised me most was that things were just as bad ...

- 311. Lyndon B. Johnson: While you're saving your face you're losing your ass.

- 312. John Barth: It is often pleasant to stone a martyr, no matter how much we admire him.

- 313. John Ciardi: Gentility is what is left over from rich ancestors after the money is gone.

- 314. Elton John: The French are just useless. They can't organize a piss-up in a brewery.

- 315. John Waters: I pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value.

- 316. John Belushi: If we burn ourselves out with drugs or alcohol, we won't have long to go in this ...

- 317. Johnny Carson: Who could follow Carson? Well, believe me, somebody can - and will.

- 318. John Simon: Democracy encourages the majority to decide things about which the majority is b ...

- 319. Paul Tsongas: If you were in a room with Kadaffi, Saddam Hussien, and John Sununu, and you onl ...

- 320. Johnny Rotten: Love is two minutes fifty-two seconds of squishing noises. It shows your mind is ...

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