Famous Quotes
26 Quotations with Islam.
- 1. Tasleem Ahmed - Islamic missionary: It has been proven that the pig is the only homosexual animal. As this perversio ...
- 2. Mahatma Gandhi: I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway ...
- 3. Johan Blank: Five to six million strong, Muslims in America already outnumber Presbyterians, ...
- 4. Craig Bruce: It's a bit odd that nobody seems to be using the correct technical term to descr ...
- 5. Ehud Barak: We are dutybound to turn these places surrounding us - sacred to Islam, Christia ...
- 6. Zbignew Brzezinski: Which is more important in world history: The Taliban or the fall of the Soviet ...
- 7. Jimmy Carter: The entire Islamic world condemned Iran. Nowadays, because of the unwarranted in ...
- 8. John Cornyn: The enemy is not Islam, the great world faith, but a perversion of Islam.
- 9. John Cornyn: The enemy is not just terrorism. It is the threat posed specifically by Islamist ...
- 10. Jim DeMint: A free and stable Iraq will be a shining light against the shadow of Islamic ext ...
- 11. Shirin Ebadi: The condition of women in Islamic societies as a whole is also far from desirabl ...
- 12. Arthur Hertzberg: Do the Americans want democracy in the Middle East? Do the Americans want the oi ...
- 13. King Hussein I: As a Muslim, I know that my faith reveres all monotheistic religions. It complet ...
- 14. King Hussein I: I am totally against the idea that a Muslim woman should not have the same oppor ...
- 15. King Hussein I: Let me say this loud and clear. There is a world of difference between terrorist ...
- 16. King Abdullah of Jordan: September 11 was a wake-up call for Muslims. It is not about East versus West. I ...
- 17. Ali Hoseini-Khamenei: The idea of human rights as a fundamental principle can be seen to underlie thro ...
- 18. John Walker Lindh: I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many peopl ...
- 19. Pervez Musharraf: We claim Islam as Deen or a complete way of life.
- 20. Nursultan Nazarbayev: North Eurasia is one of the best examples of religious tolerance and peaceful co ...