3555 Quotations with Into.
- 3401. Joseph McKenna: Legislation, both statutory and constitutional, is enacted, it is true, from an ...

- 3402. Thomas Merton: Memory is corrupted and ruined by a crowd of memories. If I am going to have a t ...

- 3403. John Muir: How hard to realize that every camp of men or beast has this glorious starry fir ...

- 3404. John Henry Newman: If then the power of speech is as great as any that can be named,—if the origin ...

- 3405. Sir Isaac Newton: What Des-Cartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, & especia ...

- 3406. Friedrich Nietzsche: And as for our future, one will hardly find us again on the paths of those Egypt ...

- 3407. Rainer Maria Rilke: Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questio ...

- 3408. Gene Roddenberry: I believe in humanity. We are an incredible species. We're still just a child cr ...

- 3409. Franklin D. Roosevelt: So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fe ...

- 3410. Theodore Roosevelt: I am delighted to have you play football. I believe in rough, manly sports. But ...

- 3411. Friedrich von Schiller: Soon is the struggle past, and to the earth,

- 3412. Friedrich von Schiller: History, insofar as it accustoms human beings to comprehend the whole of the pas ...

- 3413. Robert Smith Surtees: 'Humph!' grunted Mr. Romford, seeing his worst fears about to be realized. He ha ...

- 3414. Henry David Thoreau: Still we live meanly, like ants; though the fable tells us that we were long ago ...

- 3415. Michael Walzer: According to other writers, it is the women who last longest in sieges, the youn ...

- 3416. Isaac Newton: I keep the subject of my inquiry constantly before me, and wait till the first d ...

- 3417. Jeffrey Vlaming: Dateline: Mesopotamia, 3500 B.C. That's when the multi-faceted sounds we call mu ...

- 3418. Jeffrey Vlaming: CHRIS: The bane and blessing of human nature. That old cat killer, curiosity. So ...

- 3419. Oprah Winfrey: I believe that [everyone] is the keeper of a dream - and by tuning into one anot ...
![I believe that [everyone] is the keeper of a dream - and by tuning into one anot .... Oprah Winfrey.](/img/view.gif)
- 3420. Stephen Covey: Until we take how we see ourselves into account, we will be unable to understand ...

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