3555 Quotations with Into.
- 3281. Frederick Taylor: It's easier to make a reporter into an economist than an economist into a report ...

- 3282. Lili Taylor: My thing is that anybody's interesting if you go into the complexities. That's m ...

- 3283. Lili Taylor: When it's working, what acting is really about is getting into the essence of a ...

- 3284. Lili Taylor: When you get into that kind of studio money, there's a price on everything. And ...

- 3285. Randall Terry: I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a ...

- 3286. Nancy Thayer: No one knows how it is that with one glance a boy can break through into a girl' ...

- 3287. Michelle Thomas: One of the reasons I got into this business is because I was a jack-of-all-trade ...

- 3288. Patrick Thompson: He rides in the game like heavy cavalry getting into position for the assault. t ...

- 3289. Alice B. Toklas: The carp was dead, killed, assassinated, murdered in the first, second and third ...

- 3290. Matthew Tropp: We're looking into a mirror of godliness.

- 3291. Michael J. Tucker: If the anti-abortion movement took a tenth of the energy they put into noisy the ...

- 3292. Morihei Ueshiba: Iron is full of impurities that weaken it: through forging, it becomes steel and ...

- 3293. Karl Urban: That's always an interesting concept when you try to make your dream into a real ...

- 3294. Tom Utley: 'Football is only a game.' That is the most outrageous nonsense of the lot. Foot ...

- 3295. Martin Van Buren: To avoid the necessity of a permanent debt and its inevitable consequences, I ha ...

- 3296. Nia Vardalos: You only get one life so you might as well make it a happy one, and that's why I ...

- 3297. Vince Vaughn: I'm into the Play Station now and I just got the Super Nintendo. I like the spor ...

- 3298. Alexa Vega: Going in first off as a freshman into regular high school is really tough, becau ...

- 3299. Conrad Veidt: It is precisely as though I were possessed by some other spirit when I enter on ...

- 3300. Conrad Veidt: When I was in a play in a theater, and all was going well on stage, I felt that ...

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