3555 Quotations with Into.
- 3021. Marilyn Manson: You should have to pass an IQ test before you breed. You have to take a driving ...

- 3022. Orison Sweet Marden: Put the uncommon effort into the common task... make it large by doing it in a g ...

- 3023. Dan Marino: When you work hard to do everything you can to win, it's disappointing when you ...

- 3024. Andrea Martin: I was side-swiped by a car while riding my bike in New York. I was talking on my ...

- 3025. George Martin: In Yellow Submarine, we used chains that were there and all sorts of bowls and t ...

- 3026. Karl Marx: Capitalist production, therefore, develops technology, and the combining togethe ...

- 3027. Abraham Maslow: If I were dropped out of a plane into the ocean and told the nearest land was a ...

- 3028. Dave Mason: From the get-go, my musical influences come from hip pop, popular stuff. And the ...

- 3029. Henri Matisse: I wouldn't mind turning into a vermilion goldfish.

- 3030. W. Somerset Maugham: She plunged into a sea of platitudes, and with the powerful breast stroke of a c ...

- 3031. Andre Maurois: People are what you make them. A scornful look turns into a complete fool a man ...

- 3032. William F. May: You convert the whole medical system into a giant jaws and the individual's only ...

- 3033. John Mayer: In a time when everything can be next day and ordered and put on credit and paid ...

- 3034. Mitch McConnell: There is a lot of room for improvement in Social Security. We owe our children t ...

- 3035. Bryant H. McGill: One column of truth cannot hold an institution of ideas from falling into ignora ...

- 3036. Phyllis Mcginley: Those wearing Tolerance for a labelCall other views intolerable.

- 3037. Phyllis Mcginley: When I was a fireman I was in a lot of burning buildings. It was a great job, th ...

- 3038. Mark McGwire: I study pitchers. I visualize pitches. That gives me a better chance every time ...

- 3039. Mark McGwire: Somebody gets into September with fifty, they have a shot down the stretch to ei ...

- 3040. Margaret Mead: Our humanity rests upon a series of learned behaviors, woven together into patte ...

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