3555 Quotations with Into.
- 2981. Jay Leno: This Ken Starr report is now posted on the Internet. I'll bet Clinton's glad he ...

- 2982. John Leonard: As the Silks walk around the Establishment and poke it with a stick flocks of mu ...

- 2983. Lisa Leslie: Until now, until I actually got into law class, I just never thought of it as be ...

- 2984. David Letterman: And now the really difficult part: We have to rebuild Iraq into a strong and ind ...

- 2985. David Letterman: Hillary Clinton, our junior senator from New York, announced that she has no int ...

- 2986. David Letterman: Today is a big day in TV history. On this day forty-one years ago, the Beverly H ...

- 2987. David Letterman: We inadvertently bombed the Chinese Embassy. But Clinton now is working very har ...

- 2988. David Letterman: We make a lot of fun at President Clinton's expense. But this transition is goin ...

- 2989. C. S. Lewis: It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder ...

- 2990. Francis Lewis: From the tenor of my Contract with Griffiths, I am induced to believe the Commit ...

- 2991. Michael Lewis: There is some wonderful material that ended up on the cutting-room floor because ...

- 2992. A. J. Liebling: Henry Miller may write about revelers self-woven into a human hooked rug, becaus ...

- 2993. Mary Todd Lincoln: Others live on in a careless and lukewarm state - not appearing to fill Longfell ...

- 2994. John Walker Lindh: I was a student in Pakistan, studying Islam. I came into contact with many peopl ...

- 2995. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the p ...

- 2996. Lawrence G. Lovasik: You are just as capable of making a mistake as anyone else. By insisting too eag ...

- 2997. Christopher Love: A man may for a time lay a curb and restraint upon his lusts, so that they do no ...

- 2998. Christopher Love: I know you are a woman of sorrowful spirit, yet be comforted, though you sorrows ...

- 2999. David Lynch: Absurdity is what I like most in life, and there's humor in struggling in ignora ...

- 3000. John LeCarre: Having your book turned into a movie is like seeing your oxen turned into bouill ...

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