439 Quotations with Intellect.
- 361. Alain de Botton: Snobbery exists in all areas of life, not least literary criticism. By snobbery ...

- 362. Peter Behrens: Type is one of the most eloquent means of expression in every epoch of style. Ne ...

- 363. Daniel Bell: The intellectual takes as a starting point his self and relates the world to his ...

- 364. Henri Cartier-Bresson: To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fl ...

- 365. Joseph Campbell: God is a metaphor for that which trancends all levels of intellectual thought. I ...

- 366. John Carmack: I recognize that I possess a very special intellect, but at the same time, I rec ...

- 367. William Ellery Channing: Great minds are to make others great. Their superiority is to be used, not to br ...

- 368. Karl von Clausewitz: What this task requires in the way of higher intellectual gifts is a sense of un ...

- 369. Stanley Cohen: I was born in Brooklyn in 1922. Both my mother and father were Russian Jewish em ...

- 370. Albert Einstein: Most people say that is it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They ...

- 371. Henry Ellis: The prevalence of suicide, without doubt, is a test of height in civilization; i ...

- 372. Suzanne Fields: Mahmud Abbas is not Thomas Jefferson. The spirit of Patrick Henry has not emerge ...

- 373. Thomas Foran: There is a real difference between intellectualism and intelligence. Intellectua ...

- 374. Mohandas Gandhi: Intellect takes us along in the battle of life to a certain limit, but at the cr ...

- 375. Newt Gingrich: I'm not a natural leader. I'm too intellectual; I'm too abstract; I think too mu ...

- 376. Christine Gregoire: Vernon Reis opened the world to me through books. He taught me that while I was ...

- 377. Walter Gropius: Our guiding principle was that design is neither an intellectual nor a material ...

- 378. Willard Gaylin: English is such a deliciously complex and undisciplined language, we can bend, f ...

- 379. David Ben Gurion: Israel has created a new image of the Jew in the world - the image of a working ...

- 380. Anthony Stewart Head: There is a warmth and generosity about Giles. If I met him in person I think tha ...

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