Famous Quotes
31 Quotations with Hides.
- 21. James Baldwin: The real victim of bigotry is the white man who hides his weakness under his myt ...
- 22. Ivan Illich: Learning from programmed information always hides reality behind a screen.
- 23. John Barnes: The room was too warm, with the sort of cat-barf-beige carpet that has been stan ...
- 24. Paula Fox: A lie hides the truth. A story tries to find it.
- 25. Mickey Hart: The adventure of composition is a mystery. The muse has her ways, she hides from ...
- 26. John Irving: Your memory is a monster; you forget - it doesn't. It simply files things away. ...
- 27. John Milton: He that has light within his own clear breast May sit in the centre, and enjoy b ...
- 28. Bill O'Reilly: Bill Moyers on PBS, he hides behind the label of objectivity. He's about as obje ...
- 29. Claude Rains: A man who tells lies, like me, merely hides the truth. But a man who tells half- ...
- 30. Herman Melville: For the first time in my life a feeling of overpowering stinging melancholy seiz ...
- 31. Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "What makes the desert beautiful," said the little prince, "is that somewhere it ...