88 Quotations with Helpless.
- 41. 0. Hallesby: My helpless friend, your helplessness is the most powerful plea which rises up t ...

- 42. William Blake: My mother groaned, my father wept, into the dangerous world I leapt; helpless, n ...

- 43. Margaret Fairless Barber: Necessity can set me helpless on my back, but she cannot keep me there; nor can ...

- 44. Jane Welsh Carlyle: Never does one feel oneself so utterly helpless as in trying to speak comfort fo ...

- 45. John W. Scoville: No cause is helpless if it is just. Errors, no matter how popular, carry the see ...

- 46. John W. Scoville: No cause is helpless if it is just. Errors, no matter how popular, carry the see ...

- 47. Ralph Waldo Emerson: No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he visits. ...

- 48. Ralph Waldo Emerson: No man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he visits. ...

- 49. John Berger: Ours is the century of enforced travel of disappearances. The century of people ...

- 50. John Berger: Ours is the century of enforced travel of disappearances. The century of people ...

- 51. Hannah Moore: Prayer is not eloquence, but earnestness; not the definition of helplessness, bu ...

- 52. Hannah Moore: Prayer is not eloquence, but earnestness; not the definition of helplessness, bu ...

- 53. B. F. Skinner: Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless.

- 54. Euripides: The bold are helpless without cleverness.

- 55. Martin E. P. Seligman: The drive to resist compulsion is more important in wild animals than sex, food, ...

- 56. Robert Browning: The grand perhaps! We look on helplessly, there the old misgivings, crooked ques ...

- 57. Margaret Oliphant: The incomprehensibleness of women is an old theory, but what is that to the curi ...

- 58. Mahatma Gandhi: The mice which helplessly find themselves between the cats teeth acquire no meri ...

- 59. 0. Hallesby: The more helpless you are, the better you are fitted to pray, and the more answe ...

- 60. Anais Nin: There were always in me, two women at least, one woman desperate and bewildered, ...

Helpless Quotes by Power Quotations