Famous Quotes
327 Quotations with Heard.
- 321. Marsha Sinetar: Practice builds skill. I've heard golfers and tennis players say, "The harder I ...
- 322. Rick Brinkman and Rick Kirschner: When people express themselves verbally, they want feedback that they've been he ...
- 323. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A riot is the language of the unheard.
- 324. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.: For I say unto you in all sadness of conviction that to think great thoughts you ...
- 325. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Riots are the voices of the unheard.
- 326. William Emerson, Jr.: New York is the greatest city in the world for lunch That's the gregarious time. ...
- 327. That kept so many warm.: And sweetest in the gale is heard; ...