959 Quotations with Having.
- 541. Henry Drummond: There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving.

- 542. Sidonie Gabrielle Colette: There is no need to waste pity on young girls who are having their moments of di ...

- 543. Mary Little: There is no pleasure in having nothing to do. The fun is in having lots to do an ...

- 544. Author Unknown: There is not so much comfort in having children as there is sorrow in parting wi ...

- 545. Henry Fielding: There is nothing a man of good sense dreads in a wife so much as her having more ...

- 546. Marcus Annaeus Seneca: There is nothing more despicable than an old man who has no other proof than his ...

- 547. George Eliot: There is nothing that will kill a man so soon as having nobody to find fault wit ...

- 548. Samuel Johnson: There is nothing, Sir, too little for so little a creature as man. It is by stud ...

- 549. Frank A. Clark: There is one advantage to having nothing; it never needs repair.

- 550. Lord Byron: There is something to me very softening in the presence of a woman, some strange ...

- 551. John Keats: There's a blush for won't, and a blush for shan't, and a blush for having done i ...

- 552. Marcel Proust: There's nothing like desire to prevent the things one says from having any resem ...

- 553. Author Unknown: There's nothing wrong with having nothing to say -- unless you insist on saying ...

- 554. Aristotle: They [young people] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by ...
![They [young people] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by .... Aristotle.](/img/view.gif)
- 555. Simone de Beauvoir: Those interested in perpetuating present conditions are always in tears about th ...

- 556. Benjamin Franklin: Those who govern, having much business on their hands, do not generally like to ...

- 557. Susan Sontag: Though collecting quotations could be considered as merely an ironic mimetism -- ...

- 558. Ronny M. Cole: Time travel into the past? Aren't we having enough challenges with the Present a ...

- 559. Primo Levi: To accuse another of having weak kidneys, lungs, or heart, is not a crime; on th ...

- 560. Andre Maurois: To be witty is not enough. One must possess sufficient wit to avoid having too m ...

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