959 Quotations with Having.
- 281. Author Unknown: Courage comes from wanting to do it well. Security comes from knowing you can do ...

- 282. Mary Lou Cook: Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, m ...

- 283. Matthew Arnold: Culture, then, is a study of perfection, and perfection which insists on becomin ...

- 284. Georg C. Lichtenberg: Delight at having understood a very abstract and obscure system leads most peopl ...

- 285. Charles Dickens: Dollars! All their cares, hopes, joys, affections, virtues, and associations see ...

- 286. Dr. Joyce Brothers: Don't fool yourself that you are going to have it all.You are not. Psychological ...

- 287. Margaret Mead: Each home has been reduced to the bare essentials -- to barer essentials than mo ...

- 288. Lionel Trilling: Educating a son I should allow him no fairy tales and only a very few novels. Th ...

- 289. Will Cuppy: Etiquette means behaving yourself a little better than is absolutely essential.

- 290. Mother Teresa: Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for ha ...

- 291. Blaise Pascal: Even those who write against fame wish for the fame of having written well, and ...

- 292. Winifred Gordon: Every dog has its day, but it's not every dog that knows when he's having it.

- 293. Samuel Johnson: Every man thinks meanly of himself for not having been a soldier, or not having ...

- 294. Kabbalah: Every phase of evolution commences by being in a state of unstable force and pro ...

- 295. Gail Parent: Fact: Girls who are having a good sex thing stay in New York. The rest want to s ...

- 296. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: For a country to have a great writer is like having another government. That's w ...

- 297. John Burroughs: For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, ...

- 298. Harriet Martineau: For my own part, I had rather suffer any inconvenience from having to work occas ...

- 299. F. Scott Fitzgerald: France was a land, England was a people, but America, having about it still that ...

- 300. Mahatma Gandhi: Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my ...

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