96 Quotations with Grin.
- 81. Barry Gibb: As long as you're having fun, that's the key. The moment it becomes a grind, it' ...

- 82. Elspeth Huxley: Africa is a cruel country; it takes your heart and grinds it into powdered stone ...

- 83. Richard Lacayo: He was the embodiment of big-city scrappiness, a mean-streets survivor who got a ...

- 84. Bill Mauldin: When we realize finally that we aren't God's given children, we'll understand sa ...

- 85. John J. O'Connor: Benito Mussolini is being put through the grinder of a television biography and ...

- 86. Titus Maccius Plautus: Property is unstable, and youth perishes in a moment. Life itself is held in the ...

- 87. Alfred Lord Tennyson: We cannot be kind to each other here for even an hour. We whisper, and hint, and ...

- 88. Henry David Thoreau: Politics is the gizzard of society, full of grit and gravel, and the two politic ...

- 89. Craig Washington: There's not a snowball's chance in hell that I'd ever run again. It'd be like pu ...

- 90. Dorothy Wright Wilson: If criminals wanted to grind justice to a halt, they could do it by banding toge ...

- 91. Leonard Woolf: The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentist's drill ...

- 92. Peregrine Worsthorne: The principal purpose of politics is the evolution and maintenance of a securely ...

- 93. Edgar A. Guest: Somebody said that it couldn't be done,

- 94. Marsha Sinetar: Sometimes we feel so worn down by our spirit-breaking, daily grind--the recoil, ...

- 95. L. Thomas Holdcroft: Life is a grindstone. But whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on ...

- 96. W. Beran Wolfe: A serene fortitude in the face of disappointment and chagrin should be our goal. ...

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