739 Quotations with Gold.
- 641. Arthur S. Golden: Hope is like a hair ornament. Little girls wear too many, and old women look sil ...
- 642. Arthur S. Golden: One evening in the spring of 1936, when I was a boy of fourteen, my father took ...
- 643. Martin Golding: Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent ps ...
- 644. Peter Goldman: A debate before 70 million people is in fact a distorting glass, a fun-house mir ...
- 645. Peter Goldman: It was as if Japan had fallen victim to a case of collective amnesia.
- 646. Peter Goldman: The bodies lay on the ground like damaged goods from a warehouse.
- 647. William Goldman: Being a screenwriter is not enough for a full creative life.
- 648. Carlo Goldoni: The world is a beautiful book, but of little use to him who cannot read it.
- 649. James Goldsmith: When a man marries his mistress it creates a job opportunity.
- 650. Olivia Goldsmith: As difficult as it is for a writer to find a publisher -admittedly a daunting ta ...
- 651. Olivia Goldsmith: Publishing is no longer simply a matter of picking worthy manuscripts and puttin ...
- 652. Olivia Goldsmith: The secret to true happiness is a combination of low expectations and insensitiv ...
- 653. Ronald Goldstock: They prey on their own with extortion and protection rackets, in a culture where ...
- 654. Lefty Gomez: I've got a new invention. It's a revolving bowl for tired goldfish.
- 655. Edwin Goodgold: The game of Trivia, like camp, is a product of the heart, not of the mind. It's ...
- 656. Edwin Goodgold: Trivia is a game played by those who realize that they have misspent their youth ...
- 657. Brian Harris: Grandmother, family-proud and so of house, with hob black-leaded, glistening lik ...
- 658. Goldie Hawn: I'll have a lot of wrinkles on my face, but I feel like my heart will be fat and ...
- 659. Anthony Stewart Head: My first job was a musical, and I had quite an interesting and varied career in ...
- 660. Abraham Joshua Heschel: A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children ...
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