Famous Quotes
852 Quotations with Given.
- 361. Alexander Maclaren: In making our decisions, we must use the brains that God has given us. But we mu ...
- 362. Ralph Waldo Emerson: In nature nothing can be given. All things are sold.
- 363. Heart Warrior Chosa: In the darkest hours the soul is replenished and given strength to continue and ...
- 364. Edmund Burke: In this choice of inheritance we have given to our frame of polity the image of ...
- 365. Gerald G. Jampolsky: Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is let ...
- 366. William George Jordan: Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or evil-t ...
- 367. Edward Gibbon: It has always been my practice to cast a long paragraph in a single mould, to tr ...
- 368. Albert J. Beveridge: It is a noble land that God has given us: a land that can feed and clothe the wo ...
- 369. Author Unknown: It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
- 370. John Ruskin: It is impossible, as impossible as to raise the dead, to restore anything that h ...
- 371. Norman Cousins: It is nonsense to say there is not enough time to be fully informed.... Time giv ...
- 372. George MacDonald: It is not the cares of today, but the cares of tomorrow that weigh a man down. F ...
- 373. Simone Weil: It is only the impossible that is possible for God. He has given over the possib ...
- 374. Albert Einstein: It is only to the individual that a soul is given.
- 375. Epictetus: It is the sign of a dull mind to dwell upon the cares of the body, to prolong ex ...
- 376. Midge Decter: It might sound a paradoxical thing to say -- for surely never has a generation o ...
- 377. General Adalphos: It seemed that each time we would become proficient at a given task there would ...
- 378. Robert H. Schuller: It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to o ...
- 379. Ronald Reagan: It's not been so much our resources or our government that have given us our end ...
- 380. Joe E. Lewis: I've been on such a losing streak that if I had been around I would have taken G ...