581 Quotations with Fellow.
- 61. William Shakespeare: Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excel ...

- 62. Ernest Thompson Seton: Have the wild things no moral or legal rights? What right has man to inflict suc ...

- 63. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Age is opportunity no less than youth itself.

- 64. Francis Cardinal Spellman: When you say Yes, say it quickly. But always take a half hour to say No, so you ...

- 65. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by wh ...

- 66. Robert F. Kennedy: Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of th ...

- 67. M. C. Escher: By keenly confronting the enigmas that surround us, and by considering and analy ...

- 68. Ettiene De Grellet: I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I ca ...

- 69. Cicero: We are obliged to respect, defend and maintain the common bonds of union and fel ...

- 70. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Talk not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted,

- 71. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Let us, then be up and doing,

- 72. Will Rogers: I bet you if I had met him [Trotsky] and had a chat with him, I would have found ...
![I bet you if I had met him [Trotsky] and had a chat with him, I would have found .... Will Rogers.](/img/view.gif)
- 73. Charles Franklin Kettering: Whenever you look at a piece of work and you think the fellow was crazy, then yo ...

- 74. Edward R. Murrow: He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle to steady his fellow c ...

- 75. Alice Roosevelt Longfellow: He appears to have been weened on a pickle.

- 76. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: ‘Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream!

- 77. Charles F. Kettering: An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn't take his education too seriously.

- 78. Groucho Marx: Politics doesn't make strange bedfellows--marriage does.

- 79. Herman Melville: Men may seem detestable as joint stock-companies and nations; knaves, fools, and ...

- 80. Adam Smith: The difference of natural talents in different men is, in reality, much less tha ...

Fellow Quotes by Power Quotations