581 Quotations with Fellow.
- 181. Thomas Carlyle: Great men are the commissioned guides of mankind, who rule their fellows because ...

- 182. Arthur G. Keough: Greatness is not standing above our fellows and ordering them around -- it is st ...

- 183. The Holy Bible: He that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith; and He that hath fellowship w ...

- 184. Sydney Smith: hen you rise in the morning, form a resolution to make the day a happy one for a ...

- 185. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Hope has as many lives as a cat or a king.

- 186. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield: Horse-play, romping, frequent and loud fits of laughter, jokes, and indiscrimina ...

- 187. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: How beautiful is youth! how bright it gleams with its illusions, aspirations, dr ...

- 188. Elizabeth Barrett Browning: How many desolate creatures on the earth have learnt the simple dues of fellowsh ...

- 189. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: However things may seem, no evil thing is success and no good thing is failure.

- 190. Charles Baudelaire: Hypocrite reader -- my fellow -- my brother!

- 191. George Washington: I anticipate with pleasing expectations that retreat in which I promise myself t ...

- 192. Thomas Paine: I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in ...

- 193. Henry David Thoreau: I believe that what so saddens the reformer is not his sympathy with his fellows ...

- 194. Wilson Mizner: I can usually judge a fellow by what he laughs at.

- 195. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: I feel a kind of reverence for the first books of young authors. There is so muc ...

- 196. Rocky Marciano: I have always adhered to two principles: the first one is to train hard and get ...

- 197. Miguel de Cervantes: I have always heard, Sancho, that doing good to base fellows is like throwing wa ...

- 198. Charles Lamb: I have indeed lived nominally fifty years, but deduct out of them the hours whic ...

- 199. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: I heard the bells on Christmas Day. Their old familiar carols play. And wild and ...

- 200. Ronald Reagan: I hope all Americans will vigorously participate in their community's efforts to ...

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