97 Quotations with Enterprise.
- 81. David Hume: Where ambition can cover its enterprises, even to the person himself, under the ...
- 82. Henry David Thoreau: Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed, and in such desperate enter ...
- 83. Ralph Waldo Emerson: That some should be rich, shows that others may become rich, and, hence, is just ...
- 84. Jaroslav Pelikan: Tradition is the living faith of dead people to which we must add our chapter wh ...
- 85. Winston Churchill: Some regard private enterprise as if it were a predatory tiger to be shot. Other ...
- 86. Tom Galloway: A hypothetical paradox: what would happen in a battle between an Enterprise secu ...
- 87. Arthur Henderson: I do not believe that the values which the Western democracies consider essentia ...
- 88. Arthur Henderson: It has become impossible to give up the enterprise of disarmament without abando ...
- 89. Morris Hite: Is advertising moral? It is part and parcel of the American free enterprise syst ...
- 90. John Howard: The things that unite the Australian and American people are shared values: the ...
- 91. Jane Hamilton: Reading someone else's e-mail is a quiet, clean enterprise. There is no pitter-p ...
- 92. Richard Lugar: I am convinced that the majority of American people do understand that we have a ...
- 93. Margaret Mead: Because of their agelong training in human relations-for that is what feminine i ...
- 94. Herman Melville: There are some enterprises in which a careful disorderliness is the true method.
- 95. Saint Vincent De Paul: If, in order to succeed in an enterprise, I were obliged to choose between fifty ...
- 96. William Shakespeare: To be, or not to be: that is the question:
- 97. Marsha Sinetar: The wish for instant gratification undermines the strengths of both individual a ...
Enterprise Quotes by Power Quotations