337 Quotations with Energy.
- 101. Harry S. Truman: I studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I found that the men and ...

- 102. Roberto Clemente: If I would be happy, I would be a bad ballplayer. With me, when I get mad, it pu ...

- 103. Friedrich Nietzsche: If one considers how much reason every person has for anxiety and timid self-con ...

- 104. Barbara De Angelis: If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving any ...

- 105. Dr. Joyce Brothers: If your energy is as boundless as your ambition, total commitment may be a way o ...

- 106. Judith Krantz: I'm convinced that it's energy and humor. The two of them combined equal charm.

- 107. Ryszard Kapuscinski: In a society of little economic development, universal inactivity accompanies un ...

- 108. Gilbert Adair: In New York -- whose subway trains in particular have been "tattooed" with an en ...

- 109. Sylvia Ashton Warner: Inspiration is the richest nation I know, the most powerful on earth. Sexual ene ...

- 110. Margaret A. Ribble: Instinct is a powerful form of natural energy, perhaps comparable in humans to e ...

- 111. Arthur Stanley Eddington: It cannot be denied that for a society which has to create scarcity to save its ...

- 112. Samuel Smiles: It is energy -- the central element of which is will -- that produces the miracl ...

- 113. Pir Vilayat Khan: It is not good enough for things to be planned -- they still have to be done; fo ...

- 114. Theodore Roosevelt: It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage ...

- 115. Sir Walter Scott: It is wonderful what strength of purpose and boldness and energy of will are rou ...

- 116. Jerry Gillies: It takes a lot more energy to fail than to succeed, since it takes a lot of conc ...

- 117. Robert Henri: It takes great wit and interest and energy to be happy. The pursuit of happiness ...

- 118. Norman Cousins: Just as there is no loss of basic energy in the universe, so no thought or actio ...

- 119. Brian Tracy: Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and fa ...

- 120. Germaine Greer: Libraries are reservoirs of strength, grace and wit, reminders of order, calm an ...

Energy Quotes by Power Quotations