3247 Quotations with Each.
- 21. Lawrence Bixby: Each handicap is like a hurdle in a steeplechase, and when you ride up to it, if ...

- 22. Charles W. Eliot: Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessibl ...

- 23. H. G. Wells: We must not allow the clock and the calendar to blind us to the fact that each m ...

- 24. James A. Froude: Experience teaches slowly and at the cost of mistakes.

- 25. Joel Hawes: Aim at the sun, and you may not reach it; but your arrow will fly far higher tha ...

- 26. Epictetus: If you would cure anger, do not feed it. Say to yourself: 'I used to be angry ev ...

- 27. Clarence Darrow: Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt.

- 28. John W. Gardner: When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything ...

- 29. Epictetus: Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you, and be silent ...

- 30. Bernard M. Baruch: Approach each new problem not with a view of finding what you hope will be there ...

- 31. John Sheffield: 'Tis the most tender part of love, each other to forgive.

- 32. Mother Teresa: Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficul ...

- 33. Carl Schurz: Ideals are like stars: you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, bu ...

- 34. Robert Herrick: To get thine ends, lay bashfulness aside; Who fears to ask, doth teach to be den ...

- 35. Earl Warren: I'm very pleased with each advancing year. It stems back to when I was forty. I ...

- 36. Henry David Thoreau: Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit ...

- 37. Seneca: One should count each day a separate life.

- 38. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders ...

- 39. Claude Swanson: When the water reaches the upper level, follow the rats.

- 40. Sir William Osler: Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day's work absorb your ...

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