3247 Quotations with Each.
- 3061. Jimmy Webb: You reach a certain point in your life where they things you do and say do make ...

- 3062. Ken Wilber: What is it in you that brings you to a spiritual teacher in the first place? It' ...

- 3063. Gene Wilder: Woody makes a movie as if he were lighting 10,000 safety matches to illuminate a ...

- 3064. Kit Williams: Once upon a perfect night, unclouded and still, there came the face of a pale an ...

- 3065. Peta Wilson: I'm crazy about my father, he's an amazing man, a real adventurer. He took us wi ...

- 3066. Xenophon: There is small risk a general will be regarded with contempt by those he leads, ...

- 3067. Lester Young: The trouble with most musicians today is that they are copycats. Of course you h ...

- 3068. Owen D. Young: What I am concerned about in this fast-moving world in a time of crises, both in ...

- 3069. Loretta Young: Shopping is a public appearance. All women should be sure they aren't dressed fo ...

- 3070. Marguerite Young: All my writing is about the recognition that there is no single reality. But the ...

- 3071. Marguerite Young: I think there is a rage against women. I've come to see that now although at the ...

- 3072. Timothy Zahn: For a change, lady luck seemed to be smiling on me. Then again, maybe the fickle ...

- 3073. Renee Zellweger: Once you've reached the point where you can pay rent, you can go to the vet and ...

- 3074. Antonin Artaud: The stage is a concrete physical place which asks to be filled, and to be given ...

- 3075. Francis Bacon: Truth is a naked and open daylight… Truth which only doth judge itself, teacheth ...

- 3076. Honoré de Balzac: The events of human life, whether public or private, are so intimately linked to ...

- 3077. Luigi Barzini: They eat the dainty food of gamous chefs with the same pleasure with which they ...

- 3078. A. C. Benson: I am sure it is one's duty as a teacher to try to show boys that no opinions, no ...

- 3079. Garth Brooks: You know a dream is like a river, ever changing as it flows.

- 3080. Robert Burns: The great Creator to revere

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