3247 Quotations with Each.
- 2561. Will Carleton: Worm or beetle - drought or tempest - on a farmer's land may fall, Each is loade ...

- 2562. Thomas Carper: For me, our beaches have always been a source of personal inspiration.

- 2563. Jon Carroll: In general, I tend to favor teachers over school boards in conflicts. Not that t ...

- 2564. Emma Caulfield: I was in London during my first sci-fi convention for Buffy, and I was at the lo ...

- 2565. Aime Cesaire: I have a different idea of a universal. It is of a universal rich with all that ...

- 2566. Adrienne Clarkson: Each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column, or cutting a piece of stained ...

- 2567. Peter Cochrane: Imagine a school with children that can read or write, but with teachers who can ...

- 2568. Pat Colander: Nor is it out of character that Chicago's grandest achievement- a largely manmad ...

- 2569. Jerry Coleman: Gaylord Perry and Willie McCovey should know each other like a book. They've bee ...

- 2570. Bill Conti: There's a higher place that I have no illusions about reaching. There's a sophis ...

- 2571. Donald Cram: I prize the lack of attention. I surf on a beach where all kinds of people surf.

- 2572. Macaulay Culkin: Michael Jackson and I talk all the time. I think we understand each other in a w ...

- 2573. Bill Cullen: I had a crush on my fourth-grade teacher, but nothing came of it because of the ...

- 2574. Catie Curtis: I just always want a new producer. I'm going to have a new producer on the next ...

- 2575. Harvey Cushing: The capacity of man himself is only revealed when, under stress and responsibili ...

- 2576. Salvador Dali: Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure - that of being ...

- 2577. Rodney Dangerfield: Acting deals with very delicate emotions. It is not putting up a mask. Each time ...

- 2578. Dave Davies: I try to be really very aware of the alignments in things that happen. Because I ...

- 2579. Angela Davis: Jails and prisons are designed to break human beings, to convert the population ...

- 2580. Judy Davis: It's not a country of articulate people, sophisticated people. There's too littl ...

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