342 Quotations with Dress.
- 1. Saki: Addresses are given to us to conceal our whereabouts.
- 2. Samuel Johnson: A cucumber should be well-sliced, dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thro ...
- 3. Woody Allen: Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it.
- 4. William Shakespeare: Costly thy habit [dress] as thy purse can buy; But not expressed in fancy - rich ...
- 5. Lady Duff-Gordon: Put even the plainest woman into a beautiful dress and unconsciously she will tr ...
- 6. Jerome Seymour Bruner: We are only now on the threshold of knowing the range of the educatability of ma ...
- 7. Chinese: Those who do not study are only cattle dressed up in men's clothes.
- 8. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps: What an immense power over the life is the power of possessing distinct aims. Th ...
- 9. C. C. Colton: Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity than stra ...
- 10. Azel Backus: Error always addresses the passions and prejudices; truth scorns such mean intri ...
- 11. Halford E. Luccock: Many years ago Rudyard Kipling gave an address at McGill University in Montreal. ...
- 12. Mae West: Say what you want about long dresses, but they cover a multitude of shins.
- 13. Bette Midler: I married a German. Every night I dress up as Poland and he invades me.
- 14. Fran Lebowitz: Nothing succeeds like address.
- 15. Alison Lurie: We can lie in the language of dress or try ot tell the truth; but unless we are ...
- 16. Laurie Colwin: Friendship is not possible between two women, one of whom is very well dressed.
- 17. Katherine Tynan Hinkson: To be a saint does not exclude fine dresses nor a beautiful house.
- 18. Ambrose Bierce: ABASEMENT, n. A decent and customary mental attitude in the presence of wealth o ...
- 19. Ambrose Bierce: CLIO, n. One of the nine Muses. Clio's function was to preside over history -- w ...
- 20. Ambrose Bierce: GRACES, n. Three beautiful goddesses, Aglaia, Thalia and Euphrosyne, who attende ...
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