58 Quotations with Doctors.
- 41. Blaise Pascal: We like security: we like the pope to be infallible in matters of faith, and gra ...
- 42. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure disea ...
- 43. Warren E. Burger: Doctors still retain a high degree of public confidence because they are perceiv ...
- 44. Maria Cantwell: Physicians must be free to make clinical determinations, in accordance with medi ...
- 45. Suzanne Fields: Rape is the most bankable event in our culture, more valuable than murder and a ...
- 46. Barbara Feldon: I wanted to meet people who were outside the business. In Los Angeles, when you' ...
- 47. Geraldine A. Ferraro: I'd call it a new version of voodoo economics, but I'm afraid that would give wi ...
- 48. Tommy Lasorda: I walk into the clubhouse and it's like walking into the Mayo Clinic. We have fo ...
- 49. Jay Leno: According to doctors, George Bush has the lowest heartbeat ever recorded by some ...
- 50. Jay Leno: Dick Cheney told reports that he has a new outlook on life. He says the best par ...
- 51. Jay Leno: Nineteen percent of doctors say that they'd be able to give their patients a let ...
- 52. Bob Lavner: If a man needs his appendix taken out, his gallbladder treated and some brain su ...
- 53. Bill Maher: Doctors said that the test most commonly used to screen for colon cancer doesn't ...
- 54. Pete Rose: Doctors tell me I have the body of a thirty year old. I know I have the brain of ...
- 55. John Templeton: Three of my children are medical doctors, they know at least a hundred times as ...
- 56. Tom Wolfe: To a man of sixty... one of the grimmest reminders of the Reaper's approach come ...
- 57. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr.: Chemotherapy and radiotherapy will make the ancient method of drilling holes in ...
- 58. Ben Franklin: There are more old drunkards than old doctors.
Doctors Quotes by Power Quotations