142 Quotations with Diet.
- 101. Francois de La Rochefoucauld: To safeguard one's health at the cost of too strict a diet is a tiresome illness ...

- 102. Marlene Dietrich: Until they come to see us from their planet, I wait patiently. I hear them sayin ...

- 103. Dietrich Bonboeffer: What we are in ourselves, and what we owe to others makes us a complete whole.

- 104. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: When our will wholeheartedly enters into the prayer of Christ, then we pray corr ...

- 105. William Baldwin: Guess what? There's more and more compelling evidence that if you feed a child a ...

- 106. Jean Baudrillard: If everything on television is, without exception, part of a low-calorie (or eve ...

- 107. Erma Bombeck: A friend doesn't go on a diet because you are fat.

- 108. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Politics are not the task of a Christian.

- 109. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a ...

- 110. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.

- 111. Dan Bennett: Probably nothing in the world arouses more false hopes than the first four hours ...

- 112. Vincent Canby: Miss Dietrich is not so much a performer as a one-woman environment.

- 113. Dick Cheney: The days of looking the other way while despotic regimes trample human rights, r ...

- 114. Winston Churchill: In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess t ...

- 115. Tommy Cooper: I'm on a whisky diet. I've lost three days already!

- 116. Helena Bonham Carter: Everyone seems to think I'm very ladylike. That I'm very cultured and intelligen ...

- 117. Robertson Davies: Do not suppose, however, that I intend to urge a diet of classics on anybody. I ...

- 118. Jim Davis: Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pump ...

- 119. Marlene Dietrich: A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. ...

- 120. Marlene Dietrich: Courage and grace are a formidable mixture. The only place to see it is in the b ...

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