337 Quotations with Dangerous.
- 41. Alexander Pope: A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spr ...

- 42. Frank Herbert: Ready comprehension is often a knee-jerk response and the most dangerous form of ...

- 43. Sylvia Plath: Perhaps when we find ourselves wanting everything, it is because we are dangerou ...

- 44. J.R.R. Tolkien: "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You ...

- 45. J. R. R. Tolkien: For advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses ...

- 46. Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley: Learn from me, if not by my precepts, then by my example, how dangerous is the p ...

- 47. T. E. Lawrence: All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses o ...

- 48. Immanuel Kant: Criticism alone can sever the root of materialism, fatalism, atheism, free-think ...

- 49. Herman Melville: Toward the accomplishment of an aim, which in wantonness of atrocity would seem ...

- 50. Stephen King: Obession is dangerous. It's like a knife in the mind. In some cases... the knife ...

- 51. Benjamin Disraeli: The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps.

- 52. William Sloane Coffin: The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but ...

- 53. Edward Abbey: May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most am ...

- 54. T. E. Lawrence: All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses o ...

- 55. Kurt Vonnegut: Well, the telling of jokes is an art of its own, and it always rises from some e ...

- 56. Friedrich Nietzsche: For believe me: the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulne ...

- 57. Oscar Wilde: A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fa ...

- 58. Robert Lynd: The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the m ...

- 59. George Bernard Shaw: A learned man is an idler who kills time with study. Beware of his false knowled ...

- 60. Milan Kundera: Tomas did not realize at the time that metaphors are dangerous. Metaphors are no ...

Dangerous Quotes by Power Quotations