216 Quotations with Damn.
- 81. Alexander Blok: Hell and damnation, life is such fun with a ragged greatcoat and a Jerry gun!

- 82. Alexander Pope: I as little fear that God will damn a man that has charity as I hope that the pr ...

- 83. General John Monash: I don't care a damn for your loyal service when you think I am right; when I rea ...

- 84. Jean Rostand: I don't judge a regime by the damning criticism of the opposition, but by the in ...

- 85. Ogden Nash: I don't mind their having a lot of money, and I don't care how they employ it, b ...

- 86. Marilyn French: I hate discussions of feminism that end up with who does the dishes, she said. S ...

- 87. Sean Connery: I have always hated that damn James Bond. I'd like to kill him.

- 88. Lord Byron: I have a great mind to believe in Christianity; for the mere pleasure of fancyin ...

- 89. Leo Buscaglia: I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate -- it's apath ...

- 90. Germaine Greer: I have always been principally interested in men for sex. I've always thought an ...

- 91. John F. Kennedy: I have just received the following wire from my generous Daddy. It says, "Dear J ...

- 92. Ezra Pound: I have never known anyone worth a damn who wasn't irascible.

- 93. Warren Gamaliel Harding: I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies all right. But ...

- 94. Yves Saint-Laurent: I knew the youthfulness of the sixties: Talitha and Paul Getty lying on a starli ...

- 95. D. H. Lawrence: I love Italian opera -- it's so reckless. Damn Wagner, and his bellowings at Fat ...

- 96. Dorothy Parker: I shall stay the way I am because I do not give a damn.

- 97. Freeman Dyson: If we had a reliable way to label our toys good and bad, it would be easy to reg ...

- 98. Billie Holiday: In this country, don't forget, a habit is no damn private hell. There's no solit ...

- 99. Jacob Bronowski: It doesn't matter whether you're talking about bombs or the intelligence quotien ...

- 100. Harold Macmillan: It has been said that there is no fool like an old fool, except a young fool. Bu ...

Damn Quotes by Power Quotations