282 Quotations with Custom.
- 101. Graham Day: If you love your customer to death, you can't go wrong.

- 102. Jay Levinson: In order to sell a product or a service, a company must establish a relationship ...

- 103. Oliver Wendell Holmes: In walking, the will and the muscles are so accustomed to working together and p ...

- 104. Author Unknown: It is getting harder and harder to support the government in the style to which ...

- 105. George Washington: It is not a custom with me to keep money to look at.

- 106. Anatole France: It is not customary to love what one has.

- 107. Author Unknown: It is not enough to give the customer excellent service. You must subtly make hi ...

- 108. David Hume: It is not reason which is the guide of life, but custom.

- 109. Grenville Kleiser: It is often better to have a great deal of harm happen to one than a little; a g ...

- 110. Pope Gregory VII: It is the custom of the Roman Church, which I unworthily serve with the help of ...

- 111. Harriet Martineau: Laws and customs may be creative of vice; and should be therefore perpetually un ...

- 112. Titus Maccius Plautus: Laws are subordinate to custom.

- 113. Marcus Aurelius: Let it be your constant method to look into the design of people's actions, and ...

- 114. Author Unknown: Life in the Fast Lane Playing in Traffic intense stressful challenging overwhelm ...

- 115. Winston Churchill: Logic is a poor guide compared with custom.

- 116. Marlene Blaszczyk: Look through your customer's eyes. Are you the solution provider or part of the ...

- 117. Katherine Barchetti: Make a customer, not a sale.

- 118. Fyodor Dostoevsky: Man is a pliant animal, a being who gets accustomed to anything.

- 119. Thomas Jefferson: Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right t ...

- 120. Flannery O'Connor: Manners are of such great consequence to the novelist that any kind will do. Bad ...

Custom Quotes by Power Quotations