282 Quotations with Custom.
- 201. Ursula K. Le Guin: To me, the "female principle" is, or at least historically has been, basically a ...

- 202. Author Unknown: To my customer: I may not have the answer, but I'll find it. I may not have the ...

- 203. Henry David Thoreau: To read well, that is, to read true books in a true spirit, is a noble exercise, ...

- 204. Jose Ortega y Gasset: Towns are full of people, houses full of tenants, hotels full of guests, trains ...

- 205. Michael LeBoeuf: Treat your customers like lifetime partners.

- 206. William J. Durant: Truth always originates in a minority of one, and every custom begins as a broke ...

- 207. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: Under socialism, all will govern in turn and will soon become accustomed to no o ...

- 208. Johann Friedrich von Schiller: We are citizens of an age, as well as of a State; and if it is held to be unseem ...

- 209. Adrienne Rich: We assume that politicians are without honor. We read their statements trying to ...

- 210. Laura Ashley: We don't want to push our ideas on to customers, we simply want to make what the ...

- 211. Ralph Waldo Emerson: We must hold a man amenable to reason for the choice of his daily craft or profe ...

- 212. Nicholas Dewolf: What the customer demands is last year's model, cheaper. To find out what the cu ...

- 213. John Wanamaker: When a customer enters my store, forget me. He is king.

- 214. Author Unknown: When handling a customers complaint, remember: If you can't fix it, don't drop i ...

- 215. Nikita S. Khrushchev: When you are skinning your customers you should leave some skin on to grow again ...

- 216. Estee Lauder: When you stop talking, you've lost your customer.

- 217. William Hazlitt: Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way acr ...

- 218. Gary Comer: Worry about being better; bigger will take care of itself. Think one customer at ...

- 219. Martin J. Kohe: Yes, we are all different. Different customs, different foods, different manneri ...

- 220. Mark Twain: You perceive I generalize with intrepidity from single instances. It is the tour ...

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